Monday, June 8, 2009


Abhinav: What’s the movie this weekend?
Sarath: I guess they are playing some regional movie – Telgu
Abhinav: I guess, I might learn the portions for the test on Monday.

Sarath: Dude….I don’t have any concepts
Abhinav: You don’t?!!! better!
Sarath: I have…..but I am not sure
Abhinav: You need to develop it bro, on it.

PS: Everyone in the company talks about concept. It’s like spirituality. If you have it it’s good. If you don’t You better develop it.The corporate training is all based on building concepts. It’s funny…that no one really has it but everyone seems to be building it.

Abhinav: Hey did you get the mail about the guy who shot himself?
Sarath: Which one? The one with the brain splattered on the floor or the one with the half a face?
Abhinav: Brain on the floor??!!! I didn’t get that forward!!
Sarath: Its awesome dude. Chill man! Crazy!
Abhinav: Send it to me..bro!!
Sarath: Let me check it I have it. Yep! It’s on its way bro..!

PS: Corporate training is about forwarding forwards(mails) and receiving forwards. Your mailboxes are always full. The topics in the mails areTrivial though sometimes they appear. Occasionally people get serious mails from HR and they find themselves out of the company. Once in a bluemoon mails with indecent exposure makes us realize that we are humans after all.

Abhinav: Hey, I guess he is wearing a ZOD.
Sarath: What is a ZOD?
Abhinav: You don’t know ZOD?
Sarath: I do!! It’s a….
Abhinav: Shirt!
Sarath: Yeah..branded, costly. I went to buy it the other day, but had to be content with Van Heuseun
Abhinav: I have 6 of them
Sarath: You do? I have 2. The other three are Loui..

PS: You are judged by what you wear.(At least what you wear on the outside) If you can get brands-then they are the bests for niche. If you Can get rejects or duplicates which looks exactly like the original, you learn the basics of economic management. Alternate trends need not be followed because they may be non branded.

Sarath: She is gorgeous
Abhinav: Yup…may be 28
Sarath: She ain’t that old…may be 22
Abhinav: I was talking about her waist size, you idiot!!
Sarath: She is 30
Piyush: Yes, she is 30 for sure
Ahinav: see..Sarath: see…
Piyush: see…30.

PS: Gals dress really good. In the first month they start to wear kurta and jeans ( a neo Indian culture presser..?? yet modern outfit). In the second month they start wearing Tshirts and straighten their hair. In the third month T shirts become tighter, jeans show more curves and accent changes. In the fourth month….

Sarath: Hey did you pay the Vodafone bill?
Abhinav: I paid it online
Sarath: Good..I brought a T Shirt online.
Abhinav: You did! I encountered a small problem while transferring money online.
Sarath: Oh, it always happen…friggin Banks.
Abhinav: My ID is kinda blocked.

PS: Everything is done online. You are expected to do everything online. If your computer or flush don’t work, you are supposed to Notify online. If you are supposed to deregister from the intranet and apply log leave. Swipe out is a must. Single swipes wont be accepted.

Piyush: Where is Abhinav?
Sarath: He got fired yesterday!
Piyush: Why?
Sarath: He flunked in a few tests and has low scores.
Piyush: I am glad he took it in the right sense and didn’t commit suicide like that Bengali.
Sarath: Yeah…whats the movie this weekend?
Piyush: I guess they are playing a regional movie-Kannada

PS: No comments.

(all characters are fictional again.)


H@ri said...

having a nice time at the company building the concepts? :)
dark humour,just love the way you put it!

Srivardhan said...

nice post..awesome sense of humour n sarcasm!! have a gr8 time at the company :D

Unknown said...

dude really cool...real sarcasm

Thampi said...

absolute ace man...

sk said...

hell with the corporate culture! bring back that dirty jeans which has not been washed in two months... and a black tee (with a superman logo to keep things original)... we look and feel best in it! fcuk the tie too... this is a good blog dude!

keep rockin and trainin! ;)

Unknown said...

Whoa. This should be on textbooks! :D

Cris Hand said...

Please note that this blog was written and published about three months before I was asked to Quit Infy.

Cris Hand said...

I dont kow the guy who killed himself... but thought i could bring IT up sumhow

Unknown said...

thanku for sharing this nice posts..
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